
2022-01-24 00:00:00 python text-files console save



I have a program that outputs many calculations and results to the console through the print statement. I want to write some code to export (or save) all the contents of the console to a simple text file.

我搜索了 StackOverflow 和其他网站,但我发现了一些方法可以将打印语句重定向到直接打印到文件,但我希望程序正常工作,将输出显示到控制台,然后在所有操作之后保存其内容程序完成.

I searched StackOverflow and other sites but I found some methods to redirect the print statement to print to a file directly, but I want the program to work normally, to display outputs to the console, then to save its contents AFTER all operations of the program done.

如果重要的话,我将 PyCharm 与 Python2.7 一起使用

I am using PyCharm with Python2.7 if it matters


非常感谢和尊重所有为这个问题做出贡献的人.我终于找到了解决这个问题的方法,只需对我的原始代码进行最少的修改.解决方案由成员@Status 提供,这里是它的链接.

With all thanks and respect to all who contributed to this question. I have finally found a solution to this problem with minimal modifications to my original code. The solution is provided by the member @Status and here is its link .

虽然我在发布我的问题之前进行了很多搜索,但尊敬的成员的回答启发了我进行精确搜索的思路,尤其是执行出色工作的@turkus 和让我大开眼界的@Glostas 的贡献"tee",它引导我找到我发布的解决方案(尽管它不包含tee").

Although I searched a lot before posting my question, but the answers of the respected members enlightened my mind to a precise search especially the contributions of @turkus, who performs an exceptional work, and @Glostas who opened my eyes to the "tee" which guided me to find the solution I posted (although it does not contain "tee").


The solution, as of the mentioned post with slight modifications:

1- 将以下类放入程序中:

1- Put the following Class in the program:

class Logger(object):
Lumberjack class - duplicates sys.stdout to a log file and it's okay
source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/24583265/5820024
def __init__(self, filename="Red.Wood", mode="a", buff=0):
    self.stdout = sys.stdout
    self.file = open(filename, mode, buff)
    sys.stdout = self

def __del__(self):

def __enter__(self):

def __exit__(self, *args):

def write(self, message):

def flush(self):

def close(self):
    if self.stdout != None:
        sys.stdout = self.stdout
        self.stdout = None

    if self.file != None:
        self.file = None

2- 在程序的开头,在任何打印语句之前,放这一行:

2- At the beginning of the program, before any print statements, put this line:

my_console = Logger('my_console_file.txt')  # you can change the file's name

3- 在程序的最后,在所有的 print 语句之后,放入这一行:

3- At the end of the program, after all of the print statements, put this line:



I tested this, and It works perfectly, and finally I have a clone of the console's output after the program ends.


With best regards to everybody, and Many thanks to all contributors.
