
2021-11-20 00:00:00 mysql phpmyadmin

我已经在我的本地机器上安装了 MySQL 服务器企业 5.1,现在我想安装 phpMyAdmin,但它不起作用.

I have installed MySQL server enterprise 5.1 on my local machine and now I want to install phpMyAdmin, but it does not work.

我已将 phpMyAdmin 解压到我的服务器根目录并浏览到localhost/phpMyAdmin/setup/index.php",启动了一个新服务器,我更改的唯一设置是在配置密码"字段中填写我的 MySQL 密码授权"

I have unrared phpMyAdmin to my server root directory and browsed to "localhost/phpMyAdmin/setup/index.php", started a new server and the only setting I changed was filling in my MySQL password in the field "Password for config auth"

所以现在当我尝试登录时,我收到一条错误消息#2002 无法登录到 mysql 服务器 phpmyadmin"

So now when I am trying to log in I get an error message saying "#2002 cannot log in to the mysql server phpmyadmin"


Does anyone know what's wrong? I've been having this problem since yesterday.


如果您在登录 phpmyadmin 时遇到 #2002 无法登录 MySQL 服务器 错误,请尝试编辑 phpmyadmin/ 并更改:

If you're getting the #2002 Cannot log in to the MySQL server error while logging in to phpmyadmin, try editing phpmyadmin/ and change:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost';


$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = '';

来自 Ryan 博客的解决方案

编辑(2015 年 3 月 20 日):

请注意,如果您是全新安装,则 可能不存在.您需要重命名/复制 然后更改相关行

Note that if you're on a fresh install, may not exist. You need to rename / copy and then change the relevant line
