MySQL 中区分大小写的排序规则

2021-11-20 00:00:00 database mysql

MySQL 中是否有任何支持区分大小写的排序规则类型.我在 MySQL 中有所有类型的排序规则,它们的名称末尾都有 _ci,因此它们是不区分大小写的排序规则.

Is there any Collation type in MySQL which supports Case Sensitive. I had all type of collation in MySQL they all have _ci at the end of their name so they are case Insensitive collation.


根据 MySQL 手册 你应该能够将排序规则设置为 _cs区分大小写.您可以通过执行 SHOW COLLATION WHERE COLLATION LIKE "%_cs" 查询来获取 _cs 排序规则的列表

According to MySQL Manual you should be able to set collation to _cs for case sensitivity. You can get a list of _cs collations by executing SHOW COLLATION WHERE COLLATION LIKE "%_cs" query


显然 MySQL 中没有 utf8_*_cs(目前).如果您需要 utf8 字段区分大小写的排序规则,您应该使用 utf8_bin.这会弄乱ORDER BY,但这可以通过ORDER BY column COLLATE utf8_general_ci

Apparently there are no utf8_*_cs in MySQL (yet). If you need case sensitive collation for utf8 fields, you should use utf8_bin. This will mess up ORDER BY, but this can be fixed by ORDER BY column COLLATE utf8_general_ci

来源:,19380,200971#msg-200971 和,156527,198794#msg-198794
