MySQL:在同一个 MySql 实例上克隆一个 MySQL 数据库

2021-11-20 00:00:00 复制 clone database mysql

我想编写一个脚本,将我当前的数据库 sitedb1 复制到同一个 mysql 数据库实例上的 sitedb2.我知道我可以将 sitedb1 转储到 sql 脚本:

mysqldump -u root -p sitedb1 >~/db_name.sql

然后将其导入sitedb2.有没有更简单的方法,无需将第一个数据库转储到 sql 文件中?


正如手册中所说的 复制数据库 您可以将转储直接通过管道传输到 mysql 客户端:

mysqldump db_name |mysql new_db_name

如果您使用的是 MyISAM,您可以复制文件,但我不建议这样做.有点不靠谱.


mysqldumpmysql 命令都接受用于设置连接详细信息(以及更多)的选项,例如:

mysqldump -u <用户名>--password=<原始数据库>|mysql -u <用户名>-p <新数据库>

此外,如果新数据库还不存在,您必须事先创建它(例如使用 echo "create database new_db_name" | mysql -u <dbuser> -p).

I would like to write a script which copies my current database sitedb1 to sitedb2 on the same mysql database instance. I know I can dump the sitedb1 to a sql script:

mysqldump -u root -p sitedb1 >~/db_name.sql

and then import it to sitedb2. Is there an easier way, without dumping the first database to a sql file?


As the manual says in Copying Databases you can pipe the dump directly into the mysql client:

mysqldump db_name | mysql new_db_name

If you're using MyISAM you could copy the files, but I wouldn't recommend it. It's a bit dodgy.

Integrated from various good other answers

Both mysqldump and mysql commands accept options for setting connection details (and much more), like:

mysqldump -u <user name> --password=<pwd> <original db> | mysql -u <user name> -p <new db>

Also, if the new database is not existing yet, you have to create it beforehand (e.g. with echo "create database new_db_name" | mysql -u <dbuser> -p).
