MySQL my.ini 位置

2021-11-20 00:00:00 windows mysql mysql-5.5


如何知道mysql my.cnf位置

但我仍然被这个古老的问题所困扰!我的 my.ini 在哪里"我正在使用带有 mysql 5.5.28 的 Windows Server 2008.我使用 mysqld --install 安装了该服务,并且能够使用 sqlyog 使用 mysql 服务器.但不幸的是,我无法在 installation directoryc:\ 中找到 my.ini,既不在 c:\windows 中,也没有在 data_dir query show variables like "mysql_home" 也没有返回任何东西.



你必须查看我的文件夹 C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5 但有一个问题.当您执行 MySQL 的 MSI 安装时,不会创建 my.ini.该文件夹中将有示例 .ini 文件.为了使用其中之一,例如 my-medium.ini,您需要在 MySQL 重新启动之前执行以下操作:

cd C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5复制 my-medium.ini my.ini网络停止mysql网络启动mysql

一旦你这样做了,my.ini 就可以被C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin\mysql.exe读取.>

I have already seen

how to know mysql my.cnf location


But I am still stuck with the ages old question! "Where is my my.ini" I am using windows server 2008 with mysql 5.5.28. I installed the service using mysqld --install and I am able to use the mysql server using sqlyog. But unfortunately I am not able to find my.ini in installation directory or not in c:\ neither in c:\windows nor in data_dir query show variables like "mysql_home" returned nothing as well.

Any suggestions?


You have to look I the folder C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5 but there is a problem. When you perform an MSI install of MySQL, my.ini is not created. There will be sample .ini files in that folder. In order to use one of them, say my-medium.ini, you need to do the following before a MySQL restart:

cd C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5
copy my-medium.ini my.ini
net stop mysql
net start mysql

Once, you do this, my.ini can be read by C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin\mysql.exe.
