将数据库从 Postgres 迁移到 MySQL
我已将数据库从 postgresql 更改为 mysql,但是不知道怎么传数据从一个到另一个.
I have changed database from postgresql to mysql, but I don't know how to transfer data from one to other.
有谁知道我可以从 postgresql 到 mysql?
Does anyone know any command by which I can copy/migrate my database from postgresql to mysql?
几年前遇到的问题,用了 pg2mysql
Faced the problem a few years ago, and used pg2mysql
编辑 2019 年 7 月 21 日:这个分支 似乎是更好的选择(补丁、轻度维护)
EDIT 21 july 2019 : this fork seems a better option (patches, light maintenance)