在 Python 中使用 LaTeX 表示法格式化数字

2022-01-24 00:00:00 python latex formatting


在 Python 中使用格式字符串,我可以轻松地以科学记数法"打印一个数字,例如

Using format strings in Python I can easily print a number in "scientific notation", e.g.

>> print '%g'%1e9

将数字格式化为 LaTeX 格式的最简单方法是什么,即 1 imes10^{+09}?

What is the simplest way to format the number in LaTeX format, i.e. 1 imes10^{+09}?


siunitx LaTeX 包解决了这个问题允许您直接使用 python 浮点值,而无需解析结果字符串并将其转换为有效的 LaTeX.

The siunitx LaTeX package solves this for you by allowing you to use the python float value directly without resorting to parsing the resulting string and turning it into valid LaTeX.

>>> print "\num{{{0:.2g}}}".format(1e9)


LaTeX文档编译后,上面的代码会变成.正如 andybuckley 在评论中指出的那样,加号可能不被 siunitx 接受(我没有测试过),所以可能需要执行 .repace("+", "") 关于结果.

When the LaTeX document is compiled, the above code will be turned into . As andybuckley points out in the comments, the plus sign might not be accepted by siunitx (I've not tested it), so it may be necessary to do a .repace("+", "") on the result.

如果使用 siunitx 以某种方式无法解决,请编写如下自定义函数:

If using siunitx is somehow off the table, write a custom function like this:

def latex_float(f):
    float_str = "{0:.2g}".format(f)
    if "e" in float_str:
        base, exponent = float_str.split("e")
        return r"{0} 	imes 10^{{{1}}}".format(base, int(exponent))
        return float_str


>>> latex_float(1e9)
'1 \times 10^{9}'
