2021-11-20 00:00:00 mysql

对于 MySQL 中的文本字段,使用 default null 还是 default "" 更好?

Is it better to use default null or default "" for text fields in MySQL?



Update: I know what means each of them. I am interested what is better to use considering disk space and performance.

更新 2:嘿,伙计们!问题是什么更好用"而不是每个是什么意思"或如何检查它们"......

Update 2: Hey ppl! The question was "what is better to use" not "what each means" or "how to check them"...


使用默认的 null.在 SQL 中,null 与空字符串 ("") 非常不同.空字符串具体表示该值被设置为空;null 表示该值未设置,或设置为空.不同的意思,你看.

Use default null. In SQL, null is very different from the empty string (""). The empty string specifically means that the value was set to be empty; null means that the value was not set, or was set to null. Different meanings, you see.

不同的含义和不同的用法是为什么适当使用它们很重要的原因;使用 default null 而不是 default "" 可能节省的空间量非常小,几乎可以忽略不计;然而,按照惯例使用适当的默认值的潜在价值是相当高的.

The different meanings and their different usages are why it's important to use each of them as appropriate; the amount of space potentially saved by using default null as opposed to default "" is so small that it approaches negligibility; however, the potential value of using the proper defaults as convention dictates is quite high.
