
2021-11-20 00:00:00 sql between mysql

如果我使用 between 子句运行查询,它似乎排除了结束值.

If I run a query with a between clause, it seems to exclude the ending value.
For example:

select * from person where dob between '2011-01-01' and '2011-01-31'

这将获得从 '2011-01-01' 到 '2011-01-30' 的所有带有 dob 的结果;跳过 dob 为2011-01-31"的记录.谁能解释为什么这个查询会这样,以及我如何修改它以包含 dob 是2011-01-31"的记录?(没有在结束日期上加 1,因为它是由用户选择的.)

This gets all results with dob from '2011-01-01' till '2011-01-30'; skipping records where dob is '2011-01-31'. Can anyone explain why this query behaves this way, and how I could modify it to include records where dob is '2011-01-31'? (without adding 1 to the ending date because its been selected by the users.)


dob 字段可能包含时间组件.

The field dob probably has a time component.


select * from person 
where CAST(dob AS DATE) between '2011-01-01' and '2011-01-31'
