MySQL - 使用 LIMIT 更新查询

2021-11-20 00:00:00 sql-update limit mysql

我想更新表中从 1001 到下一个 1000 的行.

I want to update rows in my table with starting from 1001 to next 1000.


UPDATE `oltp_db`.`users` SET p_id = 3 LIMIT 1001, 1000

  1. 这给了我语法错误.这样对吗?我在这里做错了吗.
  2. 我们可以通过这种方式限制更新吗?

此外,我尝试更新的行的 p_id 列具有 Null 值,该列的数据类型为 INTEGER.因此,我什至无法使用以下查询进行更新:

Also, the rows that I am trying to update are having Null value for the column p_id which is having data type INTEGER. Due to this I am not even able to update using following query:

UPDATE `oltp_db`.`users` SET p_id = 3 WHERE p_id = null

  1. 我上面的查询是否正确?
  2. 可以做些什么来实现这一目标?


处理空值时,= 与空值不匹配.您可以使用 IS NULLIS NOT NULL

When dealing with null, = does not match the null values. You can use IS NULL or IS NOT NULL

UPDATE `smartmeter_usage`.`users_reporting` 
SET panel_id = 3 WHERE panel_id IS NULL

LIMIT 可与 UPDATE 一起使用,但仅与 row count 一起使用

LIMIT can be used with UPDATE but with the row count only
