
2021-11-20 00:00:00 mysql multiple-databases

我有 WordPress 实例,每个实例都在自己的数据库中.对于更新,我需要查询所有活动插件,这些插件存储在表wp_options"中并可通过

I have WordPress instances with each in its own database. For an update I need to query all active plugins, that are stored in a table 'wp_options' and accessible via

WHERE option_name='active_plugins'

如何访问所有活动插件设置(分布在多个数据库中)并将它们输出到一个 SQL 结果中?我知道 database.tablename 语法,但如何使用上述 Where 语句从那里继续?

How can I access all active plugin settings (spread over multiple databases) and output them in one single SQL result? I know the database.tablename syntax, but how do I go on from there with the above Where statement?


A request in a single database would look like this:

SELECT option_value
  FROM `database`.`wp_options`
 WHERE option_name="active_plugins"


SELECT option_value
 FROM `database1`.`wp_options`
  WHERE option_name="active_plugins"
SELECT option_value
 FROM `database2`.`wp_options`
  WHERE option_name="active_plugins"
