将 python 数值表达式转换为 LaTeX

2022-01-24 00:00:00 python latex math


我需要使用有效的 python 语法转换字符串,例如:

I need to convert strings with valid python syntax such as:


并获得等效的 LaTeX:

and get the equivalent LaTeX:


我尝试过 sympy 的 latex 函数,但它处理的是实际表达式,而不是它的字符串形式:

I have tried sympy's latex function but it processes actual expression, rather than the string form of it:

>>> latex(1+2**(x+y))
'$1 + 2^{x + y}$'
>>> latex('1+2**(x+y)')

但要做到这一点,它需要将 x 和 y 声明为符号"类型.

but to even do this, it requires x and y to be declared as type "symbols".


I want something more straight forward, preferably doable with the parser from the compiler module.

>>> compiler.parse('1+2**(x+y)')
Module(None, Stmt([Discard(Add((Const(1), Power((Const(2), Add((Name('x'), Name('y'))))))))]))

最后但并非最不重要的原因是:我需要生成这些乳胶片段,以便我可以使用 mathjax 在网页中显示它们.

Last but not least, the why: I need to generate those latex snipptes so that I can show them in a webpage with mathjax.


你可以使用 sympy.latexeval:

s = "1+2**(x+y)"
sympy.latex(eval(s))   # prints '$1 + {2}^{x + y}$'


You still have to declare the variables as symbols, but if this is really a problem, it's much easier to write a parser to do this than to parse everything and generate the latex from scratch.
