如何在 .py 文件中使用 Matplotlib 在绘图的图例中编写 Latex 公式?

2022-01-24 00:00:00 python matplotlib latex


我正在用 Python(.py 文件)编写脚本,并且正在使用 Matplotlib 绘制数组.我想在情节中添加一个带有公式的图例,但我无法做到.我以前在 IPython 或终端中做过这个.在这种情况下,写这样的东西:

I am writing a script in Python (.py file) and I am using Matplotlib to plot an array. I want to add a legend with a formula to the plot, but I haven't been able to do it. I have done this before in IPython or the terminal. In this case, writing something like this:


完美运行.但是,当我从终端/IPython 调用我的 .py 脚本时,这不起作用.

worked perfectly. However, this doesn't work when I call my .py script from the terminal/IPython.



The easiest way is to assign the label when you plot the data, e.g.:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ax = plt.gca()  # or any other way to get an axis object
ax.plot(x, y, label=r'$sin (x)$')

