
2022-01-24 00:00:00 python latex parsing equation mathml


是否有一个小型的、独立的库,它将以基于文本的格式(例如 LaTeX 或 MathML)编写的方程呈现为图像(矢量或光栅)?

Is there such a thing as a small, self-contained library that will render an equation written in a text-based format (e.g. LaTeX or MathML) to an image (either vector or raster)?

最好是 Python 或 Python 友好的.

It would be preferable if it's in Python or Python-friendly.

(我发现的一种可能性:Matplotlib 有 Python 代码来解析和显示 LaTeX 方程,使用gl2ps.如果我没有找到其他任何东西,似乎可以将所有相关位提取到一个单独的库中.)

(One possibility that I've found: Matplotlib has Python code to parse and display LaTeX equations, using gl2ps. If I don't find anything else it seems possible to extract all the relevant bits into a separate library.)

自包含"我的意思是他们不能使用 TeX/LaTex 本身,因为不幸的是我不能依赖它的安装

by "self-contained" I mean they can't use TeX/LaTex itself since unfortunately I can't rely on it being installed


