mysql 错误 1364 字段没有默认值

2021-11-20 00:00:00 mysql


create table try ( name varchar(8), CREATED_BY varchar(40) not null);

然后我有一个触发器来自动填充 CREATED_BY 字段

and then I have a trigger to auto populate the CREATED_BY field

create trigger autoPopulateAtInsert BEFORE INSERT on try for each row set new.CREATED_BY=user();


insert into try (name) values ('abc');


the entry is made in the table but I still get the error message

Field 'CREATED_BY' doesn't have a default value Error no 1364


Is there a way to suppress this error without making the field nullable AND without removing the triggfer? Otherwise my hibernate will see these exceptions ( even though the insertions have been made) and then application will crash.


Created_By 设置一个默认值(例如:空 VARCHAR),触发器将更新该值无论如何.

Set a default value for Created_By (eg: empty VARCHAR) and the trigger will update the value anyways.

create table try ( 
     name varchar(8), 
     CREATED_BY varchar(40) DEFAULT '' not null
