在 MySQL 查询中,为什么使用 join 而不是 where?

2021-11-20 00:00:00 sql database mysql


It seems like to combine two or more tables, we can either use join or where. What are the advantages of one over the other?


任何涉及多个表的查询都需要某种形式的关联来将表A"的结果链接到表B".这样做的传统 (ANSI-89) 方法是:

Any query involving more than one table requires some form of association to link the results from table "A" to table "B". The traditional (ANSI-89) means of doing this is to:

  1. 在FROM子句中用逗号分隔的列表列出涉及的表
  2. 在 WHERE 子句中写出表之间的关联

  1. List the tables involved in a comma separated list in the FROM clause
  2. Write the association between the tables in the WHERE clause

       TABLE_B b
 WHERE a.id = b.id

这是使用 ANSI-92 JOIN 语法重写的查询:

Here's the query re-written using ANSI-92 JOIN syntax:

  JOIN TABLE_B b ON b.id = a.id



在支持(Oracle 9i+、PostgreSQL 7.2+、MySQL 3.23+、SQL Server 2000+)的情况下,使用任何一种语法都没有性能优势.优化器将它们视为相同的查询.但是更复杂的查询可以从使用 ANSI-92 语法中受益:

From a Performance Perspective:

Where supported (Oracle 9i+, PostgreSQL 7.2+, MySQL 3.23+, SQL Server 2000+), there is no performance benefit to using either syntax over the other. The optimizer sees them as the same query. But more complex queries can benefit from using ANSI-92 syntax:

  • 能够控制JOIN顺序——扫描表的顺序
  • 能够在加入之前对表应用过滤条件

使用 ANSI-92 JOIN 语法而不是 ANSI-89 的原因有很多:

There are numerous reasons to use ANSI-92 JOIN syntax over ANSI-89:

  • 更具可读性,因为 JOIN 条件与 WHERE 子句分开
  • 不太可能错过 JOIN 条件
  • 对 INNER 以外的 JOIN 类型提供一致的语法支持,使查询易于在其他数据库上使用
  • WHERE 子句仅用于过滤所连接表的笛卡尔积

ANSI-92 JOIN 语法是模式,而不是反模式:

ANSI-92 JOIN syntax is pattern, not anti-pattern:

  • 查询的目的更明显;应用程序使用的列是明确的
  • 它遵循尽可能使用严​​格类型的模块化规则.显式几乎普遍更好.

由于不熟悉和/或舒适,我认为继续使用 ANSI-89 WHERE 子句而不是 ANSI-92 JOIN 语法没有任何好处.有些人可能会抱怨 ANSI-92 语法更冗长,但这正是它明确的原因.越明确,越容易理解和维护.

Short of familiarity and/or comfort, I don't see any benefit to continuing to use the ANSI-89 WHERE clause instead of the ANSI-92 JOIN syntax. Some might complain that ANSI-92 syntax is more verbose, but that's what makes it explicit. The more explicit, the easier it is to understand and maintain.
