使用 MySQL 连接三个表

2021-11-20 00:00:00 mysql


**Student Table**
id    name
1     ali
2     ahmed
3     john
4     king

**Course Table**
id    name
1     physic
2     maths
3     computer
4     chemistry

sid    cid
1     1
1     2
1     3
1     4
2     1
2     2
3     3
3     4
4     1
4     2


Now to show the student name with the course name which he had studied like,

Student        Course
ahmed         physic
ahmed         maths
ahmed         computer
ahmed         chemistry
ali           physic
ali           maths
john          computer
john          chemistry
king          physic
king          maths


select s.name as Student, c.name as Course from student s, course c join bridge b on c.id = b.cid order by s.name


But it does not return the required result...


And what would be for normalized form, if I want to find who is manager over other:

id        name
1         ali
2         king
3         mak
4         sam
5         jon

mid      eid
1         2
1         3
3         4
4         5


And wants to get this result:

Manager      Staff
ali          king
ali          mak
mak          sam
sam          jon



select s.name "Student", c.name "Course"
from student s, bridge b, course c
where b.sid = s.sid and b.cid = c.cid 
