是否有一种优雅的方式在 MySQL 数据库中进行高性能、自然的排序?
Is there an elegant way to have performant, natural sorting in a MySQL database?
For example if I have this data set:
- 最终幻想
- 最终幻想 4
- 最终幻想 10
- 最终幻想 12
- 最终幻想 12:Promathia 之链
- 最终幻想冒险
- 最终幻想起源
- 最终幻想战术
Any other elegant solution than to split up the games' names into their components
- 标题:《最终幻想》
- 数字:12"
- 副标题:Promathia 之链"
- Title: "Final Fantasy"
- Number: "12"
- Subtitle: "Chains of Promathia"
确保它们按正确的顺序出现?(4 之后的 10,而不是 2 之前).
to make sure that they come out in the right order? (10 after 4, not before 2).
这样做很痛苦,因为时不时会有另一款游戏打破解析游戏标题的机制(例如战锤 40,000"、詹姆斯邦德 007")
Doing so is a pain in the a** because every now and then there's another game that breaks that mechanism of parsing the game title (e.g. "Warhammer 40,000", "James Bond 007")
I think this is why a lot of things are sorted by release date.
A solution could be to create another column in your table for the "SortKey". This could be a sanitized version of the title which conforms to a pattern you create for easy sorting or a counter.