相当于 Oracle 9i 中的 PostgreSQL array()/array_to_string() 函数

2021-11-18 00:00:00 postgresql arrays oracle

我希望从在 Oracle 中返回多行的查询中返回带有逗号分隔值列表的单行,实质上是将返回的行展平为单行.

I'm hoping to return a single row with a comma separated list of values from a query that returns multiple rows in Oracle, essentially flattening the returned rows into a single row.

在 PostgreSQL 中,这可以使用数组和 array_to_string 函数来实现,如下所示:

In PostgreSQL this can be achieved using the array and array_to_string functions like this:


id | name
1  | bob
2  | alice
3  | jon


select array_to_string(array(select name from people), ',') as names;



如何在 Oracle 9i 中获得相同的结果?

How would I achieve the same result in Oracle 9i?




Tim Hall 拥有 Oracle 中的字符串聚合技术.

Tim Hall has the definitive collection of string aggregation techniques in Oracle.

如果您坚持使用 9i,我个人的偏好是定义一个自定义聚合(该页面上有 string_agg 的实现),这样您就可以

If you're stuck on 9i, my personal preference would be to define a custom aggregate (there is an implementation of string_agg on that page) such that you would have

SELECT string_agg( name )
  FROM people

但是你必须定义一个新的 STRING_AGG 函数.如果您需要避免创建新对象,还有其他方法,但在 9i 中它们会比 PostgreSQL 语法更混乱.

But you have to define a new STRING_AGG function. If you need to avoid creating new objects, there are other approaches but in 9i they're going to be messier than the PostgreSQL syntax.
