App Engine 和 MySQL

我只是想问我们是否可以从 Google App Engine 访问外部 MySQL 服务器...

I just wanted to ask if we can access an external MySQL server from Google App Engine...


与其他主机通信的唯一方式是使用 UrlFetch 仅提供 HTTP 和 HTTPS 请求.

The only way to communicate with other hosts is by using UrlFetch that only provides HTTP and HTTPS requests.
So, you can't do it out of the box.

无论如何,如果您确实需要访问外部 MySQL 服务器数据库,您应该考虑通过 Web API(例如 RESTful、Soap Web 服务)公开它.这样,您的数据也可以通过 UrlFetch 获得.

Anyway, if you really need to access an external MySQL server database, you should consider to expose it through a Web API (RESTful, Soap web-services for example). In this way your data would be available also via UrlFetch.
