在 MySQL 中是否有一种很好的方法来复制 SQL Server 函数 ROW_NUMBER()?

Is there a nice way in MySQL to replicate the SQL Server function ROW_NUMBER()?


    col1, col2, 
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY col1, col2 ORDER BY col3 DESC) AS intRow
FROM Table1

然后我可以,例如,添加一个条件来将 intRow 限制为 1 以获得具有最高 col3 对于每个 (col1, col2) 对.

Then I could, for example, add a condition to limit intRow to 1 to get a single row with the highest col3 for each (col1, col2) pair.


我想要每个 (col1, col2) 对具有单个最高 col3 的行.

I want the row with the single highest col3 for each (col1, col2) pair.

这是一个分组最大值,其中之一最常见的 SQL 问题(因为它看起来应该很简单,但实际上并不简单).

That's a groupwise maximum, one of the most commonly-asked SQL questions (since it seems like it should be easy, but actually it kind of isn't).


SELECT t0.col3
FROM table AS t0
LEFT JOIN table AS t1 ON t0.col1=t1.col1 AND t0.col2=t1.col2 AND t1.col3>t0.col3
WHERE t1.col1 IS NULL;

获取表中没有匹配 col1,col2 的其他行具有更高 col3 的行."(您会注意到这一点,如果不止一行具有相同的 col1、col2、col3,大多数其他分组最大解决方案将返回多行.如果这是一个问题,您可能需要进行一些后处理.)

"Get the rows in the table for which no other row with matching col1,col2 has a higher col3." (You will notice this and most other groupwise-maximum solutions will return multiple rows if more than one row has the same col1,col2,col3. If that's a problem you may need some post-processing.)
