在 MySQL 中存储日历数据

2021-11-17 00:00:00 mysql architecture database-design


Just a quick architecture question really on storing calendar data.

基本上,我有一个租赁服务数据库.在前端,有一个日历显示未来每个日期的可用"或不可用".在后端,用户可以在 jQuery 日历上将任何日期/日期范围设置为可用或不可用(1 或 0).

Basically, I have a database of services for rental. On the front end, there is a calendar to show either "Available" or "Unavailable" for every future date. In the back-end the user can set any date/date range to available or unavailable (1 or 0) on a jQuery calendar.

我的问题是您将如何将这些数据存储在 mysql 中并在前端检索它?

The question I have is how would you go about storing this data in mysql and retrieving it on the front end?


Possible have all dates available and store the unavailable dates? Then if they are set to available again, remove the record for that date?




Possible have all dates available and store the unavailable dates? Then if they are set to available again, remove the record for that date?

是的,我会这样做,除非我不会在租用到期时删除记录 - 您很容易知道租用已过期,因为它是过去的,因此您也会自动保留租用历史记录.

Yes, I'd go with that, except I would not remove the record when renting expires - you'll easily know a renting expired because it's in the past, so you automatically keep the history of renting as well.


After all, there is infinite number of available dates1, so you'd have to artificially limit the supported range of dates if you went the other way around (and stored free dates).

1 未来.而且,在某种意义上,过去也是如此.

1 In the future. And, in some sense, in the past as well.


Also, I'm guessing you want some additional information in case a service is rented (e.g. name of the renter) and there would be nowhere to store that if renting were represented by a non-existent row!


Since the granularity of renting is a whole day, I think you are looking at a database structure similar to this:

注意 RENTING_DAY PK 如何自然地防止重叠.

Note how RENTING_DAY PK naturally prevents overlaps.

或者,您可以放弃 RENTING_DAY 并直接在 RENTING 中设置 START_DATE 和 END_DATE,但这需要明确的范围重叠检查,可能无法理想地扩展.

Alternatively, you might ditch the RENTING_DAY and have START_DATE and END_DATE directly in RENTING, but this would require explicit range overlap checks, which may not scale ideally.
