SQLServer 如何将事件通知 vb.net 应用程序?

2021-11-17 00:00:00 messaging vb.net sql-server architecture

是否有一种相对简单的方法可以通知我的 VB.NET 应用程序新值已写入 SQL Server Express 2008 中的表?轮询不是一种选择,因为我需要每 10 秒不间断地进行一次.

Is there a relatively simple way that my VB.NET application can be notified of the fact that a new value has been written to a table in SQL Server Express 2008? Polling is not an option since I'd need to do that every 10 seconds nonstop.


看看让您的应用程序订阅 查询通知.

Take a look at having your application subscribe to Query Notifications.

还有 在 .NET 2.0 中使用查询通知来处理临时数据刷新
