2021-11-16 00:00:00 geometry append mysql vertices

我有一个带有 points 的表格,它是一个 LINESTRING.我在那里有一排,在所述列中有一些点.

我有一个字符串 a 形式的第二组点,我想将这些点附加到现有行.有没有办法在 MySQL 中做到这一点而不选择点作为文本,手动合并字符串然后更新行中的 points?


MYSQL Spatial 函数不包括任何附加 LINESTRING 的解决方案,但我已经为您尝试了一种解决方法.

  1. 获取值

    set @gval = (select ST_AsText(route) from spatial where id =5);



  1. 通过使用替换功能并输入所需的纬度(或点)来附加字符串

    set @gval = replace(@gval, ')', ',8.5684875 76.8520767)');更新 spatial set route =GEOMFROMTEXT(@gval) where id=5;<​​/p>


I have a table with points which is a LINESTRING. I have a row in there which has some points in said column.

I have a second set of points in the form a of a string, I would like to append these points to the existing row. Is there any way to do this in MySQL without selecting the points as text, manually merging the strings then updating points in the row?


MYSQL Spatial function does not include any solution for appending a LINESTRING but there is a workaround which i have tried for you.

  1. Get the value

    set @gval = (select ST_AsText(route) from spatial where id =5);

I named the table as 'spatial' and added a column as 'route' which is of datatype linestring

  1. Appended the string by using the replace function and entering your required lat lon (or point)

    set @gval = replace(@gval, ')', ',8.5684875 76.8520767)'); Update spatial set route =GEOMFROMTEXT(@gval) where id=5;

this works good for me.
