用于生产中 rds 的 Mysql debezium 连接器导致死锁

2021-11-12 00:00:00 mysql apache-kafka cdc debezium rds

我们正在创建从 RDS 中的 Mysql 到用于创建搜索索引的弹性搜索的数据管道,为此,使用 debezium cdc 及其 mysql 源和弹性接收器连接器.

We are creating a data pipeline from Mysql in RDS to elastic search for creating search indexes, and for this using debezium cdc with its mysql source and elastic sink connector.

现在,由于 mysql 在 rds 中,我们必须授予 mysql 用户对两个我们想要 cdc 表的 LOCK TABLE 权限,如文档中所述.

Now as the mysql is in rds we have to give the mysql user LOCK TABLE permission for two tables we wanted cdc, as mentioned in docs.

我们还有其他各种 mysql 用户执行可能需要两个表中任何一个的事务.

We also have various other mysql users performing transactions which may require any of the two tables.

一旦我们将 mysql 连接器连接到我们的生产数据库,就会创建一个锁,我们的整个系统就宕机了,在意识到这一点后,我们很快停止了 kafka 并移除了连接器,但锁仍然在增加,而且只是在我们通过停止运行生产代码并手动终止进程来停止所有新查询后解决.

As soon as we connected the mysql connector to our production database there was a lock created and our whole system went down, after realising this we soon stopped the kafka and also removed the connector, but the locks where still increasing and it only solved after we stop all the new queries by stopping our production code from running and manually killing the processes.


What could be the potential cause for this, and how could we prevent this ?


如果锁定有问题,并且您无法在锁定与一致性之间进行权衡,那么请查看 snapshot.locking.mode 配置选项.

If the locking is problem and you cannot afford to tradeoff locking vs consistency then please take a look at snapshot.locking.mode config option.
