将 SQL 连接到 apache nifi

2021-11-12 00:00:00 sql-server apache-nifi

我是 nifi 的新手,我想将 SQL 服务器数据库连接到 nifi 并使用处理器创建数据流.我该怎么做,有人能帮我清楚吗.

I'm new to nifi and i want to connect SQL server database to nifi and create a data flow with the processors. how can I do this, can any one Help me with this clearly.



这里有两篇关于使用 NiFi 从数据库中获取信息的很棒的文章:

Here are two great articles on getting information in and out of databases with NiFi:

  1. http://www.batchiq.com/database-injest-with-nifi.html


他们描述/说明了如何配置 DBCPConnectionPool 服务,用于提供与 RDBMS 的连接,以及用于提取数据和摄取数据的示例流.

They describe/illustrate how to configure a DBCPConnectionPool service to provide connection(s) to an RDBMS, and example flows to extract data and ingest data.
