从 Adob​​e flex/AIR 访问 mysql

2021-11-11 00:00:00 adobe mysql apache-flex air

是否可以通过 Adob​​e AIR/Flex 直接访问 MySql 数据库申请?

Is it possible to directly access MySql databases through an Adobe AIR/Flex application?
If not, what is the next best alternative?


否,尽管 AIR 确实内置了本地(客户端)SQLite 数据库.无论如何,您真的不希望您的客户端应用程序直接访问服务器端数据库,它确实会导致奇怪的问题并打开安全问题.但是,您可以使用 Web 服务公开 MySQL 数据库.这篇文章有一个非常简单的方法.

No, although AIR does have a local (client-side) SQLite database builtin. You don't really want your client apps to have direct access to the server-side database anyways, it can really cause weird problems and open security issues up. You can expose a MySQL database with web services however. This article has a really easy way of doing it.
