SQLite 和 Flex

2021-11-12 00:00:00 sqlite apache-flex

我正在开发一个 GPS 计算器,它使用大量数据来计算不同的值,例如 RMSE(均方根误差)和 NSSDA(空间数据的国家标准).数据来自各种不同型号的 GPS 单元,差异很大,即内部/外部天线;自动、WAAS、DGPS、PPS 信号;开放式、轻型、中型、重型机盖;等等.基本上需要存储大量数据来计算各种各样的期望结果.

I am developing a GPS calculator that uses a lot of data to calculate different values, such as RMSE (root mean square error) and NSSDA (national standard for spatial data). The data is from a variety of different models of GPS units with a great degree in variation, i.e. internal/external antennae; auto, WAAS, DGPS, PPS signal; open, light, medium, heavy canopy; etc. Basically a whole lot of data needs to be stored to compute the huge variety of desired outcomes.

数据将始终被读取,只有在极少数情况下才会添加新数据.如果确实需要添加,则很可能是其中一位开发人员,而不是该程序的用户.因此,我们对使用 SQLite 非常感兴趣.我们的服务器上有 Oracle,但任何表的创建都必须由上级完成,有时可能需要数周时间.出于这个原因,SQLite 似乎对我们有用.我从未使用过 SQLite,所以我想知道它是否是正确的选择.但是,大多数关于 SQLite 和 Flex 的文档似乎都与作为本地数据库的 AIR 应用程序和 SQLite 有关.服务器上的 SQLite 文件与执行所需计算的 flex 应用程序甚至可以工作吗?还是我在使用 SQLite 文件方面做得不够好?

The data will always be read, and only in rare conditions will new data be added. If it does need to be added, it will most likely be by one of the developers, not users of the program. Because of this, we are very interested in using SQLite. We have Oracle on our server, but any creation of tables must be done by higher-ups, which can sometimes take weeks. For this reason SQLite seems like it might work for us. I have never used SQLite, so I am wondering if it is the right choice. However, most documentation about SQLite and Flex seems to be pertaining to AIR applications and SQLite as a local database. Would having an SQLite file on the server with a flex application performing the desired calculations even work? Or am I way off the mark on the use of SQLite files?


我喜欢 sqlLITE,但我只将它与 Perl 一起使用.

I love sqlLITE but I have only used it with Perl.

您可以使用 Amazon 的 SimpleDB 之类的东西,它是一个可以作为网络服务访问的数据库.如果您的数据少于 1GB,并且每月使用时间少于 25 小时,它也是免费的.

You could use something like Amazon's SimpleDB which is a database that can be accessed as a webService. It's also free if you have less than 1GB of data and use it less than 25 hours a month.

链接到 simpleDBhttp://aws.amazon.com/simpledb/

Link to simpleDB http://aws.amazon.com/simpledb/

有一个用于 simpleDB 的 AS3 库,但我没有拥有多个链接的声誉:-(.. 所以谷歌:亚马逊图解生活 simpleDB"

There is an AS3 library for simpleDB but I don't have the reputation to have more than one link :-(.. So google: "Amazon illustratedlife simpleDB"

