在单个查询中将多个节点插入到 xml 字段

2021-10-02 00:00:00 xquery sql-server-2008 sql-server

我有一个表(我们称她为 t),其中包含字段 id(int) 和 XmlField(xml).

I'm having a table (let's call her t) that contains the fields id(int) and XmlField(xml).


I try to add multiple node in one query but no matter what I tried I keep getting errors.


update t 
set XmlField.modify('insert <f1>value here</f1><f2>value there</f2> into (/xmldoc)') 


XQuery [t.XmlField.modify()]:'' 附近的语法错误,预期为 'as'、'into'、'before' 或 'after'.

XQuery [t.XmlField.modify()]: Syntax error near '', expected 'as', 'into', 'before' or 'after'.

当我尝试仅添加一个 xml 节点时,它正在工作(示例):

When I trying to add only one xml node it's working (example):

update t set XmlField.modify('insert <f1>value here</f1> into (/xmldoc)') 


it's also working when I try to add nested nodes like this:

update t set XmlField.modify('insert <f><f1>value here</f1><f2>value there</f2></f> into (/xmldoc)') 


Is there any way to make it happen?


SQL Server 文档确实很清楚地说明 insert 语句可以处理多个节点.所以我的猜测是你的问题只是一个语法错误.(Microsoft 语法与 XQuery Update Facility 规范,但很相似.)

The SQL Server documentation does say pretty clearly that the insert statement can handle multiple nodes. So my guess is that your problem is just a syntax error. (The Microsoft syntax varies slightly from that defined in the XQuery Update Facility spec, but it's recognizably similar.)

我会尝试将元素 f1 和 f2 组合成一个序列并将它们括在括号中(规范在这里需要一个 ExprSingle,这意味着不允许使用顶级逗号):

I'd try making the elements f1 and f2 into a sequence and wrapping them in parentheses (the spec requires an ExprSingle here, which means no top-level commas are allowed):

update t 
set XmlField.modify(
  'insert (<f1>value here</f1>, <f2>value there</f2>) into (/xmldoc)') 

(未针对 SQL Server 进行测试.)

(Not tested against SQL Server.)
