使用取自序列的值将属性添加到 xmltype

2021-10-01 00:00:00 xml oracle xmltype

我使用的是 11.2 版的 Oracle XE.

I am using Oracle XE in version 11.2.

我有这样的 XML:

    <x a="a"/>
    <x a="b"/>
    <x a="c"/>

不,我想将属性 b 添加到每个元素 x ,其值取自序列,但它应该为每个元素采用新值.预期结果是:

No I would like to add attribute b to each element x with value taken from sequence, but it should take new value for each element. Expected result is:

    <x a="a" b="1"/>
    <x a="b" b="2"/>
    <x a="c" b="3"/>

我发现要向 XML 添加属性,我可以使用 insertchildxml 但在将相同的(第一个)值从序列添加到所有属性 b.我找不到如何为每个单独的元素 x 调用此函数.

I've found that to add attribute to XML I can use insertchildxml but in is adding the same (frist) value from sequence to all attributes b. I can't find how to call this function for each individual element x.



我终于找到了一些解决方案,关键是使用 XMLTable() 函数.这是我的代码:

I've finaly found some solution and key to it was to use XMLTable() function. Here is my code:

v_inXML xmltype;
  v_tmpXML xmltype;
  v_withIdXML xmltype;
  v_outXML xmltype;
  v_inXML := XMLType('<root><x a="a"/><x a="b"/><x a="c"/></root>');
  v_withIdXML := XMLType('<root/>'); 
  v_outXML := XMLType('<root/>');

  for c_rec in (
    select *
    from   XMLTable('for $i in /root/x
          return $i'
          passing  v_inXML
          columns x xmltype path '/x'
    select insertchildxml(c_rec.x,'//x', '@b', pckg_ent_pk_seq.nextval) into v_tmpXML from dual;      
    select insertchildxml(v_withIdXML, '/root', 'x', v_tmpXML) into v_withIdXML from dual;    
  end loop;

  select updatexml(v_outXML, '/root', v_withIdXML) into v_outXML from dual;



<root><x a="a" b="92"/><x a="b" b="93"/><x a="c" b="94"/></root>
