编写 mysql 查询的想法

2021-09-28 00:00:00 sql mysql wordpress

我有一个名为 wp_bp_activity 的表,其中包含许多列,我认为我应该使用其中的 4 个来解决这个问题:id, typeitem_iddate_recorded.

I've a table named wp_bp_activity with many columns that I think I should work with 4 of them for this issue: id, type, item_id and date_recorded.

1 - 当有人发布新活动时,typeactivity_updateitem_id0

1 - When someone post a new activity the type is activity_update and item_id is 0

2 - 当有人对活动发表新评论时,其 typeactivity_comment 并且 item_id 存在id

2 - When someone post a new comment on an activity its type is activity_comment and item_id is existed activity id in column id

3 - 在两者中,date_recorded 是插入数据的日期.

3 - In both, date_recorded is the date of when data is inserted.


但我只想获取最近有人回复或的typeactivity_update的行是新的(基于date_recorded 我认为)

But I wanna fetch only rows with type of activity_update that someone is recently replied to or are new (based on date_recorded I think)


SELECT  a.*, b.*
FROM wp_bp_activity as a, wp_bp_activity as b
  ((b.type = 'activity_update') OR (b.type = 'activity_comment' AND b.item_id = a.id))
order by cast(a.date_recorded as datetime) desc
limit 0,20


That takes too long to be executed and ends with memory insufficient error.


Any help on this kind of query is appreciated.

更新 #1

                        wp_bp_activity table

    id              type             item_id         date_recorded
|  12081  |   activity_comment    |   12079   |    2013-10-18 07:27:01
|  12080  |   activity_update     |     0     |    2013-10-18 07:26:40
|  12079  |   activity_update     |     0     |    2013-10-17 05:15:43

我想从这个表中得到哪些行是这些 id 的顺序:



activity_comment 类型


如您所见,activity_comment 类型的行有一个 item_id,其值为 12079.所以12079是最近有人评论它的最新活动,12080没有评论只是发布.所以我想要两个,但按这个顺序:

As you can see the row with activity_comment type has an item_id with the value of 12079. so 12079 is the latest activity that recently someone made a comment on it, and 12080 has no comments but is just posted. So I want both but at this order:



我假设您正在寻找最近的条目"(WHERE type = 'activity_update' AND date_recorded > [threshold]) 和具有最近回复的条目,无论条目的年龄如何"(WHERE reply.type = 'activity_comment' AND reply.date_recorded > [threshold]).

I am going to assume that you are looking for "recent entries" (WHERE type = 'activity_update' AND date_recorded > [threshold]) and "entries having a recent reply, regardless of the entry's age" (WHERE reply.type = 'activity_comment' AND reply.date_recorded > [threshold]).


SELECT entries.*
FROM activity AS entries
WHERE type = 'activity_update' AND date_recorded > [threshold]


SELECT entries.*
FROM activity AS entries
JOIN activity AS replies
    ON replies.item_id = entries.id
    AND replies.type = 'activity_comment'
    entries.type = 'activity_update'
    AND replies.date_recorded > [threshold]


SELECT entries.*
FROM activity AS entries
LEFT JOIN activity AS replies -- LEFT JOIN, because an INNER JOIN would filter out entries without any reply
    ON  replies.item_id = entries.id
    AND replies.type = 'activity_comment'
    entries.type = 'activity_update'
    AND (
        entries.date_recorded > [threshold]
        OR replies.date_recorded > [threshold] -- evaluates as FALSE if replies.date_recorded is NULL
ORDER BY IFNULL(replies.date_recorded, entries.date_recorded) -- replies if not null, entries otherwise

我并不为我的 ORDER BY 子句表现不佳而自豪,我希望有人能提出更好的想法

I am not proud of my poorly performing ORDER BY clause, I hope someone can suggest a better idea
