将图像从 WPF 控件保存到 SQL Server DB

2021-09-29 00:00:00 sql-server wpf wpf-controls

我有一个用 WPF 3.5 编写的应用程序,它在某些时候将数据保存在 SQL Server 中包含图像中,这是保存数据的代码的一部分(注意 this.pictureImage 是一个 WPF Image 控件):-

I have an application written in WPF 3.5 which at some point it saves the data in including an image in SQL Server, this is part of the code in saving the data (note this.pictureImage is a WPF Image control):-

using (SqlCommand command = myConnection.CreateCommand())
    String sqlInsertCommand = "INSERT INTO Info_Id (idNumber, FirstName, Nationality, Image) VALUES (@idNumber, @firstName, @nationality, @image)";

    command.CommandText = sqlInsertCommand;
    command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;

    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@idNumber", this.cardIdTextBlock.Text);
    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@firstName", this.fullNameTextBlock.Text);
    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@nationality", this.nationaltyTextBlock.Text);
    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@image", this.pictureImage);



After I run this and click on the saving to DB button I got the following error.

不存在从对象类型 System.Windows.Controls.Image 到已知托管提供程序的映射

No mapping exists from object type System.Windows.Controls.Image to a known managed provider

在 SQL Server 数据库中,我有一行 (Picture (Image, null)).

In the SQL Server database I have a row with (Picture (Image, null)).



您无法在数据库中保存 Image 控件.相反,您应该通过适当的位图编码器在 Image 控件的 Source 属性中对图像进行编码,并将编码的缓冲区存储为字节数组.

You can't save an Image control in your database. Instead you should encode the image in the Image control's Source property by an appropriate bitmap encoder and store the encoded buffer as byte array.

byte[] buffer;
var bitmap = pictureImage.Source as BitmapSource;
var encoder = new PngBitmapEncoder(); // or one of the other encoders

using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
    buffer = stream.ToArray();

// now store buffer in your DB
