从 Sql Server 中的 xml 中的最后一个获取第 n 个元素

2021-10-01 00:00:00 xml sql sql-server-2008 sql-server

请考虑这个 XML:


我想写一个函数来获取一个数字,然后我得到第n个Person元素和Name.例如,如果 0 传递给我的函数,我返回 Aba,如果 1 传递给我的函数,我返回 Jigha.

I want to write a function that gets a number, and then I get nth Person element, and Name. For example if 0 pass to my function I return Aba, if 1 pass to my function I return Jigha.


这应该有效.将 @index 变量的值设置为要查找的记录的编号,相对于列表的末尾:

This should work. Set the value of the @index variable as the number of the record to find, relative to the end of the list:

declare @index int = 1
declare @xml xml = '<Employees>

select t2.person.value('(Name/text())[1]','varchar(50)')
from @xml.nodes('Employees/Person[position()=(last()-sql:variable("@index"))]') as t2(person)
