在 sql 中选择 NULL 和 false 但不是 true

2021-09-16 00:00:00 sql vb.net sql-server

我是 vb.ner sql 中的一个新人,我问的可能是愚蠢的问题.我在 sql server 2005 中有一个表,并激活了一个列名.此列包含 NULL、true 或 false.

i an new in vb.ner sql and what i am asking may be silly question. I have a table in sql server 2005 and a column name activated. this column contain NULL, true or false.

我只想选择 NULL 或 false 值.我怎样才能做到这一点?

I want to select only NULL or false values. How can i do this?


选择应该在 SQL Server 一侧完成.您的查询应如下所示:

The selection should be done on the SQL Server's side. Your query should look like this:

FROM MyTable
WHERE activated = 0 OR activated is NULL

以上假设列 activated 是整数或 BIT 数据类型.

The above assumes that the column activated is of an integral or a BIT data type.

注意:使用看似等效的 WHERE 激活 <> 可能很诱人.1 条件.但是,这是不正确的,因为将 NULL 值与任何值进行比较会导致 NULL,因此将排除具有 activated = NULL 的行.

Note: it may be tempting to use a seemingly equivalent WHERE activated <> 1 condition. This would be incorrect, though, because comparisons of NULL values to anything result in a NULL, so the rows with activated = NULL would be excluded.
