无法将默认值从 Win Forms 项目插入 SQL 数据库

我有一个 MS SQL 数据库.

I have a MS SQL database.

在我的一个字段中,LotNumber 我将默认值设置为 [dbo].CalculateJulianDate 这是一个标量值函数,它采用当前日期并创建儒略日期格式的批号.

On one of my fields, LotNumber I set the default value to be [dbo].CalculateJulianDate which is a scalar-valued function that takes the current date and creates a Julian date formatted lot number.

当我使用 SSMS 将值插入到我的表中时,该值被正确填充,用 LotNumber 替换空值.

When I insert values into my table using SSMS, the value is populated correctly replacing the empty value with the LotNumber.

我正在尝试在 Visual Studio 2010 中为数据库创建一个可视化的基本 winforms 前端.我设置了我的数据源,将详细信息视图拖到表单上,我可以查看数据、编辑数据和删除数据.但是,当我尝试插入新数据时,它会用 NULL 填充 LotNumber 字段.

I am trying to create a visual basic winforms front end for the database in visual studio 2010. I set my datasource, dragged a details view onto a form and I can see the data, make edits to the data, and delete data. However, when I try to insert new data it fills the LotNumber field with NULL.

我不明白为什么从我的 winForms 应用程序中输入数据时,MS SQL 不使用默认值而不是 NULL 值.我的印象是,在 SQL 模式中设置默认值的目的是用默认值替换 NULL 值.

I do not understand why MS SQL doesn't use the default value rather than the NULL value when data is entered from within my winForms application. I was under the impression that the point of setting up a default value in the SQL schema was to replace NULL values with the default value.


The code for the insert is auto-generated and I can't seem to find it in my application. The only code visible is:

Private Sub Dt_InventoryBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Dt_InventoryBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click
End Sub

有谁知道为什么 SQL Server 没有像预期的那样插入默认值?如何从我的应用程序中获取要填充的默认值?

Does anyone know why SQL Server doesn't insert the default value like it's supposed to? How do I get the default value to populate from within my application?


要在 TableAdapter 上进行自定义 INSERT 查询,请右键单击您的 TableAdapter,选择添加查询",查询向导将出现.选择Use SQL Statements"并选择INSERT"作为查询类型.

To make a custom INSERT query on the TableAdapter, right-click on your Table Adapter, choose Add Query and the Query Wizard will appear. Select "Use SQL Statements" and select "INSERT" for the query type.
