创建包含多个页面的 Apex 表单

2021-09-15 00:00:00 user-interface oracle oracle-apex


I'm trying to make an apex form that has multiple 'pages' within it, so that I can achieve a nice layout.

例如:第 1 页 - 个人详细信息 >> 第 2 页 - 职业 >> 第 3 页 - 职业历史 >> 提交

For example: Page 1 - Personal Details >> Page 2 - Occupation >> Page 3 - Career History >> Submit


Is there a way to do this without submitting one page at a time as this would mess up my validation for the table entry.


这是一个广泛的问题 - 有很多可能的解决方案.您需要在页面上创建多个区域,以便无需提交页面即可轻松显示或隐藏不同的页面项目集.

It's kind of a broad question - lots of possible solutions. You will need to create several regions on the page, so that you can easily show or hide different sets of page items without submitting the page.

如果您只是想保持页面整洁,您可以使用 Hide and Show Region 模板,或者您可以创建一个 Region Display Selector 区域.

If you simply want to keep the page tidy, you could make use of the Hide and Show Region template, or you could create a Region Display Selector region.


To help the user experience flow a bit better, I would probably do something like this:

  1. 使用表单向导设置页面项目.
  2. 创建三个 HTML 区域 - Personal DetailsOccupationCareer History.
  3. 将页面项目移动到适当的区域.
  4. 删除向导创建的原始区域以及默认按钮.
  5. 在每个区域创建导航按钮 - 可能是 Personal DetailsNextPrevious 按钮中的 Next 按钮在 Occupation 中,以及 Career History 中的 PreviousSubmit.
  6. 为每个按钮创建动态操作.Submit 按钮当然是提交页面.NextPrevious 按钮会根据需要显示和隐藏区域.
  1. Set up the page items using the Form wizard.
  2. Create three HTML regions - Personal Details, Occupation, and Career History.
  3. Move the page items into the appropriate regions.
  4. Delete the original region created by the wizard, together with the default buttons.
  5. Create navigation buttons in each region - probably a Next button in Personal Details, Next and Previous buttons in Occupation, and Previous and Submit in Career History.
  6. Create dynamic actions for each of the buttons. The Submit button submits the page of course. The Next and Previous buttons show and hide the regions as appropriate.
