如何显示来自 mysql 的最后 10 分钟旧记录

2021-09-14 00:00:00 mysql unix-timestamp

我有一个 MySQL 数据库,其中 time 列包含 Unix 时间戳,例如 1482858013.

I have a MySQL database having column time containing Unix timestamp like 1482858013.

现在我想做一个 MySQL 查询,它应该只显示数据库中最后五分钟的旧记录.我怎样才能做到这一点?提前致谢.

Now I want to make a MySQL query which should show only the last five minute old records from the database. How can I do this? Thanks in advance.


假设您的表名为 ata_table,那么查询将类似于:

Assuming that your table is called ata_table, then query would be something like:

from data_table
    `time` > unix_timestamp()-300;
