使用 imaplib 在 gmail 中删除电子邮件时出现问题

2022-01-23 00:00:00 python imap gmail imaplib gmail-imap


我尝试从收件箱文件夹中删除邮件,一切正常,但是当我切换到所有邮件文件夹时,删除不起作用.expunge() 方法返回 ('OK', [None]) 并且消息没有被删除:

I try to remove message from inbox folder and all alright, but when i switched to All Mail folder the removing does not work. expunge() method returns ('OK', [None]) and message was not removed:

>>>import imaplib
>>>server = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('imap.gmail.com','993')
>>>for i in server.search(None,'all')[1][0].split():
...    print i+"
"+server.fetch(i,'(BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (Subject)])')[1][0][1]
#  that how i know what UID hame my message? I select by subject
#Subject: 1 Question Has 1 Answer - Stack Overflow
#Subject: 2222222222
#('OK', ['29 (FLAGS (\Seen \Deleted))'])
#('OK', ['29'])
>>> server.select('[Gmail]/All Mail')
('OK', ['47'])
>>> for i in server.search(None,'all')[1][0].split():
...  print i+"
"+server.fetch(i,'(BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (Subject)])')[1][0][1]
#Subject: 2222222222
#Subject: 3333333333333333
>>> server.store(47,'+FLAGS','\Deleted')
('OK', ['47 (FLAGS (\Seen \Deleted))'])
>>> server.expunge()
('OK', [None])


正如 gmail 博客站点,Google 的 IMAP 实现有点不同.当您按照说明获取更常用的语义时,是否有帮助?

As it says on the gmail blog site, Google's implementation of IMAP is a bit different. When you follow the instructions for getting more usual semantics, does it help?

还有一些比较晦涩的那些想要的人的选择让 Gmail 的 IMAP 工作起来更像传统 IMAP 提供商:您可以关闭自动清除或垃圾箱当它们不再存在时的消息通过 IMAP 可见.

There are also some more obscure options for those of you who want to make Gmail's IMAP work more like traditional IMAP providers: you can turn off auto-expunge or trash messages when they're no longer visible through IMAP.

IMAP 协议允许消息被标记为删除,一种消息仍然存在的边缘状态存在于文件夹中,但预定下次文件夹被删除时删除.在我们的标准 IMAP实现,当你标记一个邮件已删除,Gmail 不允许它停留在那个状态——它删除(或自动删除)它从文件夹中马上.如果你想要两阶段启用后删除进程这个实验室,只需选择不要自动删除邮件'下中的转发和 POP/IMAP"选项卡设置.

The IMAP protocol allows messages to be marked for deletion, a sort of limbo state where a message is still present in the folder but slated to be deleted the next time the folder is expunged. In our standard IMAP implementation, when you mark a message as deleted, Gmail doesn't let it linger in that state -- it deletes (or auto-expunges) it from the folder right away. If you want the two-stage delete process, after you've enabled this Lab, just select 'Do not automatically expunge messages' under the 'Forwarding and POP/IMAP' tab in Settings.

同样,大多数 IMAP 系统不支持分享 Gmail 的归档理念消息(发送消息到[Gmail]/所有邮件文件夹而不是[Gmail]/垃圾箱).如果你愿意已删除的消息不保留在任何其他可见的 IMAP 文件夹被发送到[Gmail]/垃圾箱,高级 IMAP控件可让您设置首选项这边走.在IMAP 访问:"中转发和POP/IMAP"选项卡,找到当消息从最后一个被删除可见 IMAP 文件夹:' 选项.选择将邮件移至 Gmail 垃圾箱."如果你想迈出一步此外,您可以选择立即永远删除这条消息.'

Similarly, most IMAP systems don't share Gmail's concept of archiving messages (sending messages to the [Gmail]/All Mail folder rather than [Gmail]/Trash). If you'd prefer that deleted messages not remaining in any other visible IMAP folders are sent to [Gmail]/Trash instead, Advanced IMAP Controls lets you set your preferences this way. In the 'IMAP Access:' section of the 'Forwarding and POP/IMAP' tab, find the 'When a message is deleted from the last visible IMAP folder:' option. Select 'Move the message to the Gmail Trash.' If you want to take it one step further, you can select 'Immediately delete the message forever.'
