
2021-09-14 00:00:00 sql-server unpivot


I have a table where each record represents a person and there are many columns used to indicate what events they attended:

CREATE TABLE EventAttendees
    Person VARCHAR(100),
    [Event A] VARCHAR(1),
    [Event B] VARCHAR(1),
    [Event C] VARCHAR(1)

INSERT INTO EventAttendees
SELECT 'John Smith','x',NULL,NULL
SELECT 'Jane Doe',NULL,'x','x'
SELECT 'Phil White','x',NULL,'x'
SELECT 'Sarah Jenkins','x','x','x'


SELECT * FROM Event Attendees

| Person        | Event A | Event B | Event C |
| John Smith    |    x    |   NULL  |   NULL  |
| Jane Doe      |   NULL  |    x    |    x    |
| Phil White    |    x    |   NULL  |    x    |
| Sarah Jenkins |    x    |    x    |    x    |


I want to generate a list of who attended which events, so my desired output is:

| Person        | Event   |
| John Smith    | Event A |
| Jane Doe      | Event B |
| Jane Doe      | Event C |
| Phil White    | Event A |
| Phil White    | Event C |
| Sarah Jenkins | Event A |
| Sarah Jenkins | Event B |
| Sarah Jenkins | Event C |

实际上我有超过 3 个事件,但以上是为了便于解释(顺便说一下,这不是作业问题).由于事件将来可能会发生变化,而且我无法控制传递的数据,因此我确实需要一个可以处理任意数量的可能事件列的动态解决方案.

In reality I have many more than 3 events, but the above is for ease of explanation (This is not a homework question btw). As the Events might change in the future and I have no control over the data I am being passed, I really need a dynamic solution which can handle any number of possible event columns.

我假设我可以用 UNPIVOT 做一些事情,但我就是想不通,或者在 SO 或其他地方找到一个很好的例子 - 有人可以帮忙吗?

I'm assuming I can do something with UNPIVOT, but I just can't figure it out, or find a good example on SO or elsewhere to work from - can someone help?


想出了我想到的解决方案,但是是的,它确实需要动态 SQL 来获取相关列名以输入 UNPIVOT:

Figured out the solution I was thinking of, but yes, it does require dynamic SQL to get the relevant column names to feed into the UNPIVOT:

declare @sql varchar(max)
set @sql = 
    'select Person, EventName
    from EventAttendees
        Attended for EventName in (' + (select
                                            select ',' + QUOTENAME(c.[name])
                                            from sys.columns c
                                            join sys.objects o on c.object_id = o.object_id
                                            where o.[name] = 'EventAttendees'
                                            and c.column_id > 1
                                            order by c.[name]
                                            for xml path('')
                                        ),1,1,'') as colList) + ')
    ) unpiv
    where unpiv.Attended = ''x''
    order by Person, EventName'

exec (@sql)


In this example, I am making the assumption that the Event columns are from the second column in the table onwards, but obviously I could use some different logic within the subquery to identify the relevant columns if necessary.


On my example data, this gives the desired result:

| Person        | EventName |
| Jane Doe      | Event B   |
| Jane Doe      | Event C   |
| John Smith    | Event A   |
| Phil White    | Event A   |
| Phil White    | Event C   |
| Sarah Jenkins | Event A   |
| Sarah Jenkins | Event B   |
| Sarah Jenkins | Event C   |


I think I prefer this to using a cursor, although I haven't actually confirmed what performance difference (if any) there is between the two dynamic approaches.


Thanks for everyone's help and suggestions on this question though, greatly appreciated as always!
