
2021-09-10 00:00:00 tsql sql-server

我有一个来自 SELECT 语句的结果集,如何在没有任何分隔符的情况下拆分一列这是我的结果

I have a result set from SELECT Statement, how can i split one column without any delimiter this is my result

Size TCount TDevice
 2     5      E01
 4.5   3      W02E01


Size TCount  TDevice
 2      5     E
 2      5     0
 2      5     1
4.5     3     W
4.5     6     0      (we have 2 times of 0)
4.5     3     2
4.5     3     1    



;with cte as
 select Size,TCount,
         substring(TDevice, 1, 1) as Chars,
         stuff(TDevice, 1, 1, '') as TDevice
  from t1
  union all
  select Size,TCount,
         substring(TDevice, 1, 1) as Chars,
         stuff(TDevice, 1, 1, '') as TDevice
  from cte
  where len(TDevice) > 0
select distinct Size,sum(TCount),Chars
from cte
group by Size,Chars

SQL 小提琴


Advantage: It doesn't require any User defined function (UDF) to be created.
