如何获得 T SQL 中 2 次之间的微小差异?

2021-09-10 00:00:00 tsql sql-server

如何在 T SQL 中获得两次之间的分钟"差异?我试过 DATEDIFF,但它显然想要日期.这将是一天中两次之间的分钟差异.有什么建议吗?

How do I get the "minutes" difference between 2 times in T SQL? I tried DATEDIFF, but it obviously wants dates. This would be the difference in minutes between 2 times in a day. Any suggestions?


我认为 DATEDIFF 是您的最佳选择.我知道您正在寻找同一天的时间差异,但是您不能只传递 DATEDIFF 两个日期时间相同但时间不同的 DateTime 类型吗?

I think DATEDIFF would be your best option. I know you are looking for the difference in time within the same day, but couldn't you just pass DATEDIFF two DateTime types with the same date, but different times?

// Should return 300
DATEDIFF(mi, '2015-02-19 08:00:00', '2015-02-19 13:00:00')
