在不使用 CTE 的情况下在结果集中按列获取分组

2021-09-10 00:00:00 sql tsql sql-server


select CAST(DepositeDate AS DATE) as DepositeDate,SUM(TotalAmount) as Amount
from Payment
group by DepositeDate 


DepositeDate | Amount | 
2021-04-30   | 50     | 
2021-04-30   | 50     | 
2021-04-26   | 75     | 
2021-04-11   | 30     | 
2021-04-11   | 30     | 


DepositeDate | Amount | 
2021-04-30   | 100    | 
2021-04-26   | 75     | 
2021-04-11   | 60     |  

这可以不使用 CTE 吗?

Is this possible without using CTE?


显然,您的 DepositeDate 列有一个时间组件.重复GROUP BY中的表达式:

Apparently, your DepositeDate column has a time component. Repeat the expression in the GROUP BY:

select CAST(DepositeDate AS DATE) as DepositeDate,
       SUM(TotalAmount) as Amount
from Payment
group by CAST(DepositeDate AS DATE) 
order by CAST(DepositeDate AS DATE);

SQL Server 无法识别 GROUP BY 中的别名.所以 DepositeDate 总是会引用在 FROM 子句中定义的列,而不是 select 中的表达式.

SQL Server does not recognize aliases in the GROUP BY. So DepositeDate is always going to refer to a column defined in the FROM clause and not the expression in the select.
