SQL Server 中未使用的变量检测

有没有办法识别已创建(甚至创建并设置为值)但不再使用的局部变量?我正在考虑什么时候 IDE 会用波浪线为这些变量加下划线.

Is there a way to identify local variables that have been created (or even created and set to a value), but are never used again? I'm thinking along the lines of when an IDE will underline such variables with a squiggly line.

如果这不能在 SSMS 中启用,是否有任何加载项可以执行此操作?

If this isn't something that can be enabled within SSMS, are there any add-ins that do this?

(如果重要的话,对 SQL Server 2008 R2 尤其感兴趣)

(Particularly interested in SQL Server 2008 R2, if it matters)



ApexSQL Refactor,一个免费的 SSMS 和 VS SQL 格式化和重构加载项,具有查找未使用的变量和参数并通过识别和清理代码的功能删除未使用的参数和变量.

ApexSQL Refactor, a free SSMS and VS SQL formatting and refactoring add-in, has a feature that finds unused variables and parameters and cleans up your code by identifying and removing parameters and variables that aren’t used.


免责声明:我在 ApexSQL 担任支持工程师
