如何将具有本地化数字格式的文本转换为 MS SQL Server 中的数字?

2021-09-10 00:00:00 sql localization tsql sql-server

假设我有一个德国数字格式1,00"的数字,在 en-US 语言环境中等于 1.0.

Let's say I have a number in the german number format "1,00" which is equal to 1.0 in the en-US locale.

是否有内置的方法可以将 T-SQL 中的此文本转换为相应的数字?似乎 CONVERT 和 CAST 只接受带有 '.' 的数字.作为小数点分隔符,我认为没有办法告诉他们.

Is there a built-in way to convert this text in T-SQL to the corresponding number? It seems like CONVERT and CAST accept only numbers with '.' as the decimal separator and I see no way to tell them otherwise.

我正在考虑简单地用 '.' 替换 ','但是如果我有一个像1.000,00"这样的带有千位分隔符的德语数字,这会变得很难看.

I was thinking about simply replacing ',' with '.' but this gets ugly if I have a german number with thounsands separator like "1.000,00".

在检索到错误"的 SQL 结果后进行转换不是一种选择.

Doing the conversion after retrieving the "wrong" SQL result is not an option.


如果您想在 SQL Server 中执行此操作,则必须创建一个将字符串作为参数的 CLR 存储过程/用户定义函数并返回您想要的数字类型.您可能还需要使用一个参数来指示您可能希望使用哪些区域名称(例如 en-US)来指示用于确定解析模式的区域性.

If you want to do this inside SQL Server, then you will have to create a CLR stored procedure/user-defined function which will take the string as a parameter and return the numeric type that you desire. You might also want to take a parameter that indicates what region names (en-US for example) you might want to use to indicate the culture to use for determining the parsing pattern.

然后,在代码中,您将在 Double/Decimal/Int32 上调用 TryParse 方法并使用适当的 CultureInfo 来指示解析模式.您可以循环浏览其中的一堆,或使用其他一些信息来确定正确的模式.

Then, in the code, you would call the TryParse method on Double/Decimal/Int32 and use the appropriate CultureInfo to indicate the parse pattern. You can cycle through a bunch of them, or use some other information to determine the right pattern.
