HierarchyID:获取父列表的所有后代 - 不工作

2021-09-10 00:00:00 sql tsql sql-server


但是,该查询对于 ID 列表不是很有用.因此,对于列表,我正在尝试在上面链接的线程中找到答案:

SELECT孩子.*从@Ph 作为父母INNER JOIN @Ph as child on child.ProductHierarchyNode.IsDescendantOf(parent.ProductHierarchyNode) = 1在哪里(4) 中的 parent.ProductHierarchyId




我觉得你有这个倒退...你想要 DESCENDENTS,但你要求的东西父是 4...没有任何东西有父共 4 个.


SELECT孩子.*从@Ph 作为父母INNER JOIN @Ph as child on child.ProductHierarchyNode.IsDescendantOf(parent.ProductHierarchyNode) = 1在哪里(1) 中的 parent.ProductHierarchyId

这将返回您说您期望的所有行,并且对我来说更有意义,因为您要求 1(根父级)的所有后代.2 是 1 的孩子/后代,3 是 2 的孩子/后代,4 是 3 的孩子/后代.

WHERE parent.ProductHierarchyId IN (1)"的意思是找到所有 1 是父/祖先的节点".

在第一个查询中,您要求 4 是后代的所有节点,所以这是有道理的.

在第二个查询中,您要查询 1 的所有后代.如果您想要4 的所有祖先",那将是一个不同的查询.

I'm working off this thread: HierarchyID: HierarchyID: Get all descendants for a list of parents

I have a table that uses a HierarchyID, and I need a query that gives me all descendants for specified parent(s) in a single set.

Here's my table, populated:

DECLARE @Ph TABLE (ProductHierarchyNode HIERARCHYID, ProductHierarchyId INT)
INSERT INTO @Ph (ProductHierarchyNode, ProductHierarchyId) VALUES 
(hierarchyid::Parse('/1/'), 1),
(hierarchyid::Parse('/1/1/'), 2),
(hierarchyid::Parse('/1/1/2/'), 3),
(hierarchyid::Parse('/1/1/2/1/'), 4)

This query works perfectly for a SINGLE id: 4. It gives me back that item, plus all of its descendants.

    (SELECT ProductHierarchyNode FROM @Ph WHERE ProductHierarchyId = 4).IsDescendantOf(ProductHierarchyNode) = 1 

However, that query isn't very useful for a list of ID's. So for a list, I'm trying the answer in the thread I linked to above:

    @Ph as parent
    INNER JOIN @Ph as child on child.ProductHierarchyNode.IsDescendantOf(parent.ProductHierarchyNode) = 1
    parent.ProductHierarchyId in (4)

I'm sure I'm overlooking something obvious. Just not sure what it is. But this only returns me the parent item and no children.

Can't spot my error.


I feel like you have this backwards... you want DESCENDENTS, but you're asking for things where the parent is 4... nothing has a parent of 4.

Don't you really want this?

    @Ph as parent
    INNER JOIN @Ph as child on child.ProductHierarchyNode.IsDescendantOf(parent.ProductHierarchyNode) = 1
    parent.ProductHierarchyId in (1)

This returns all the rows you say you're expecting, and makes more sense to me as you're asking for all descendent of 1 (the root parent). 2 is a child/descendent of 1, 3 is a child/descendent of 2, and 4 is a child/descendent of 3.

The "WHERE parent.ProductHierarchyId IN (1)" is saying "find me all nodes where 1 is a parent/ancestor".

In the first query, you're asking for all nodes where 4 is a descendent, so that makes sense.

In the second query, you're asking for all descendents of 1. If you want "all ancestors of 4" that'd be a different query.
