将 IDENTITY 转换为数据类型 int 的算术溢出错误

2021-09-10 00:00:00 tsql sql-server

通过 vb 代码运行时,将 IDENTITY 转换为数据类型 int 时发生算术溢出错误.但是当我执行存储过程时,数据被正确插入.

Arithmetic overflow error converting IDENTITY to data type int, is occurring when running through vb code. But when I execute the stored procedure, data gets inserted properly.


Through application also sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn't.


When I check the current identity value and current column values are different. IS this falls under issue.



2147483647INT 的最大尺寸,所以你的 IDENTITY 是比这个大.您可以使用 BIGINT 来解决您的错误,假设您的 IDENTITY 不会超过 9223372036854775807.

2147483647 Is the maximum size for INT so somewhere your IDENTITY is larger than this. You can use BIGINT instead to get around your error, assuming your IDENTITY won't surpass 9223372036854775807.
