
2021-09-10 00:00:00 sql tsql sql-server


对于目标将 SO(销售订单)数量与基于 FIFO(先进先出)的 PO(采购订单)数量匹配,其中购买的第一个库存商品必须是最先售出的商品.

for an Objective match SO (Sales Order) quantity to PO (Purchase Order) quantity based on FIFO (First In, First Out) where the first stock items purchased must be the first items sold.

我有一个表 Stock 用于跟踪库存进出虚拟库存仓库的运动.仓库最初是空的,然后由于购买库存(IN")而将库存移入仓库,并在出售(OUT")时将库存移出仓库.每种类型的库存项目都由一个 ItemID 标识.由于购买或出售给定项目,每次进出仓库的库存都会在 Stock 表中添加一行,由 StockID 标识列中的值唯一标识,并描述有多少项目添加或删除以及交易日期.

I have a table Stock which use to track the movement of stock in and out of imaginary stock warehouse. The warehouse is initially empty, and stock then moves into the warehouse as a result of a stock purchase (‘IN’) and stock moves out of the warehouse when it is sold (‘OUT’). Each type of stock item is identified by an ItemID. Each movement of stock in or out of the warehouse, due to a purchase or sale of a given item, results in a row being added to the Stock table, uniquely identified by the value in the StockID identify column, and describing how many items were added or removed and the date of the transaction.


 StockId    DocumentID  ItemID  TranDate    TranCode    Quantity
    1       PO001       A021    2016.01.01  IN          3
    4       SO010       A021    2016.01.02  OUT         2
    2       PO002       A021    2016.01.10  IN          7
    3       PO003       A021    2016.02.01  IN          9
    5       SO011       A021    2016.02.11  OUT         8
    6       SO012       A023    2016.02.12  OUT         6


How could I write a query to give output like the table below?

SOID    POID    Quantity
SO010   PO001   2
SO011   PO001   1
SO011   PO002   7
SO012   PO003   6



So, seeing as no one else has given this a go, I figure I'll post something that resembles an answer (I believe).


Essentially, what you want to do is keep track of the number of things you have in stock and the number of things that have gone out, based on the date (I haven't accounted for multiple things coming in or going out on the same date, though).

    DocumentID VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
    TranCode VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL,
    TranDate DATE NOT NULL,
    Quantity INT NOT NULL
); -- I'm ignoring the other columns here because they don't seem important to your overall needs.

INSERT @Table (DocumentID, TranCode, TranDate, Quantity)
    ('PO001', 'IN', '2016-01-01', 3),
    ('SO010', 'OUT', '2016-01-02', 2),
    ('PO002', 'IN', '2016-01-10', 7),
    ('PO003', 'IN', '2016-02-01', 9),
    ('SO011', 'OUT', '2016-02-11', 8),
    ('SO012', 'OUT', '2016-02-12', 6);

    SELECT DocumentID,
            RunningQuantity = -- Determine the current IN/OUT totals.
                    SELECT SUM(Quantity)
                    FROM @Table 
                    WHERE TranCode = T.TranCode
                    AND TranDate <= T.TranDate
            PrevQuantity = -- Keep track of the previous IN/OUT totals.
                    SELECT ISNULL(SUM(Quantity), 0)
                    FROM @Table
                    WHERE TranCode = T.TranCode
                    AND TranDate < T.TranDate
    FROM @Table T
SELECT Outgoing.DocumentID,
        Quantity =
            CASE WHEN Outgoing.RunningQuantity <= Incoming.RunningQuantity AND Outgoing.PrevQuantity >= Incoming.PrevQuantity
                 THEN Outgoing.RunningQuantity - Outgoing.PrevQuantity
                 WHEN Outgoing.RunningQuantity <= Incoming.RunningQuantity AND Outgoing.PrevQuantity < Incoming.PrevQuantity
                 THEN Outgoing.RunningQuantity - Incoming.PrevQuantity
                 ELSE Incoming.RunningQuantity - Outgoing.PrevQuantity
FROM CTE Outgoing
JOIN CTE Incoming ON
        Incoming.TranCode = 'IN'
    AND Incoming.RunningQuantity > Outgoing.PrevQuantity
    AND Incoming.PrevQuantity < Outgoing.RunningQuantity
WHERE Outgoing.TranCode = 'OUT'
ORDER BY Outgoing.TranDate;


Note: I would highly recommend you keep track of the information in a better way. For example, create a table that actually details which orders took what from which other orders (an order transaction table or something), because while it's not impossible to achieve what you want with the way your data is structured, it's much less complicated if you just store more helpful data.
