SQL Server - 仅使用 .modify() 合并两个 XML

2021-09-10 00:00:00 xml xpath sql tsql sql-server


CREATE TABLE #Users(id INT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(100), suggestions XML);

INSERT INTO #Users(id, name, suggestions)
SELECT 1, 'Bob', N'<Products>
                     <Product id="1" score="1"/>
                     <Product id="2" score="5"/>
                     <Product id="3" score="4"/>
SELECT 2, 'Jimmy', N'<Products>
                       <Product id="6" score="3"/>

DECLARE @userId INT = 1,
        @suggestions XML = N'<Products>
                              <Product id="2" score="5"/>
                              <Product id="3" score="2"/>
                              <Product id="7" score="1" />


现在我想根据 id 属性合并 2 个 XML:

Now I want to merge 2 XMLs based on id attribute:

id = 1 的用户的最终结果:

Final result for user with id = 1:

  <Product id="1" score="1"/> -- nothing changed (but not exists in @suggestions)
  <Product id="2" score="5"/> -- nothing changed (but exists in @suggestions)
  <Product id="3" score="2"/> -- update score to 2
  <Product id="7" score="1"/> -- insert new element

请注意,它不是组合 2 个 XML,而是upsert"操作.

Please note that it is not combining 2 XMLs but "upsert" operation.


  • 我知道这种模式违反了数据库规范化,规范化是可行的方法(但在这种情况下不是)
  • 我知道使用派生表的解决方案,.nodes().value() 函数首先解析两个 XML,然后合并并写回
  • I know that this kind of schema violates database normalization and normalizing it is the way to go (but not in this case)
  • I know solution that utilize derived tables, .nodes() and .value() functions first to parse both XML, then merge and write back

我正在寻找的是 XPath/XQuery 表达式,它将合并到一个语句中(无派生表/动态 sql*):

I am searching for is XPath/XQuery expression that will merge it in one statement (no derived tables/dynamic-sql*):

* 如果绝对需要,可以使用动态 SQL,但我想避免使用.

SET suggestions.modify(... sql:variable("@suggestions") ...); --changes only here
WHERE id = @userId;

/* replace ... for ... where ... with sql:variable */



After trying around a while I think this is not possible...

这里有类似的问题:XQuery 在单个 SQL 更新命令中添加或替换属性

.modify(insert Expression1 ... ) 不允许在通过 @sql:variable() 传入的 XML 内获取数据code> 或 sql:column()

The .modify(insert Expression1 ... ) does not allow to get data within an XML passed in via @sql:variable() or sql:column()

在此处阅读:https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms175466.aspx 在 Expression1 -> "常量 XML 或独立的 sql:column/sql:variable 或 XQuery(到同一实例)

Read here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms175466.aspx at Expression1 -> "constant XML or stand alone sql:column / sql:variable or XQuery (to the same instance)

DECLARE @xml1 XML= --the existing XML
  <Product id="1" score="1" />
  <Product id="2" score="5" />
  <Product id="3" score="4" />

DECLARE @xml2 XML= --the XML with new or changed data
  <Product id="2" score="5" />
  <Product id="3" score="2" />
  <Product id="7" score="1" />

SET @xml1.modify('insert sql:variable("@xml2") as first into /Products[1]');

SELECT @xml1;

/* The full node is inserted!
Without any kind of preparation there is NO CHANCE to get the inner nodes only

    <Product id="2" score="5" />
    <Product id="3" score="2" />
    <Product id="7" score="1" />
  <Product id="1" score="1" />
  <Product id="2" score="5" />
  <Product id="3" score="4" />

您可以这样声明第二个 XML:

You might declare the second XML as such:

DECLARE @xml2 XML= --the XML with new or changed data
'<Product id="2" score="5" />
 <Product id="3" score="2" />
 <Product id="7" score="1" />';

但是您将没有机会使用 id 的值作为 XQuery 过滤器

But than you'll have no chance to use the id's value as XQuery filter

SET @xml1.modify('insert sql:variable("@xml2") as first into /Products[**How should one filter here?**]');

最后但并非最不重要的一点,我认为没有机会在 .modify() 的一次调用中组合两个不同的 XML_DML 语句.

And last but not least I think there is no chance to combine two different XML_DML statements within one call of .modify().

我唯一的想法就是这个,但它行不通.IF 似乎只能在内一个表达式中使用,但不能区分两个执行路径

The only idea I had was this, but it doesn't work. IF seems to be usable only within an Expression, but not two distinguish between two execution paths

SET @xml1.modify('if (1=1) then
                     insert sql:variable("@xml2") as first into /Products[1]
                     replace value of /Products[1]/Product[@id=1][1]/@score with 100');


So my conclusion: No, this is not possible...

我在这里提供的解决方案 https://stackoverflow.com/a/35060150/5089204 在第二部分(如果你想‘合并’两本书结构")将是我解决这个问题的方法.

The solution I provided here https://stackoverflow.com/a/35060150/5089204 in the second section ("If you want to 'merge' two Books-structures") would be my way to solve this.
