我的动态 SQL 查询有什么问题?使用 char 数据类型

2021-09-10 00:00:00 tsql sql-server

如果我们包含 AND HostApplication 子句,此查询将不起作用.

This query will not work if we include the AND HostApplication clause.


ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[updateNumbers_ArchiveDB]
   @accountNumber varchar(50),
   @accountType char(4),
   @padding varchar(50),
   @proc_dateStart datetime,
   @proc_dateEnd datetime

这是动态 SQL:

set @q = 'Update ' + @cTableName +
     ' SET LogicalAccount = '+ @padding + @accountNumber +
     ' WHERE ProcessDate BETWEEN CAST('''+CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),@proc_dateStart)+''' AS DATE) AND CAST('''+CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),@proc_dateEnd)+''' AS DATE)' +
     ' AND HostApplication =' + '''+ @accountType +'''


exec updateNumbers_ArchiveDB @accountNumber = N'1020',
                             @accountType = N'd',
                             @padding = N'123',
                             @proc_dateStart = '2014-01-30',
                             @proc_dateEnd = '2014-01-31'

如果我删除 @accounttype 周围的单引号:(''+@accounttype +'') 我得到这个错误:

If I remove a single quote around @accounttype: (''+@accounttype +'') I get this error:

消息 207,级别 16,状态 1,第 1 行

Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid column name 'd'.

使用 3 个引号,它可以正常运行而不会出错,但不会进行任何更新.

With 3 quotes it works runs without error, but no updates are made.

使用 1 个引号 (('+@accounttype +')) 我得到:

With 1 quote (('+@accounttype +')) I get:

消息 137,级别 15,状态 2,第 1 行

Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 1
Must declare the scalar variable "@accountType".

我意识到在动态 SQL 中使用引号是一门艺术,但我没有找到任何关于在动态 SQL 中使用 char 数据类型的资源.

I realize there is an art to using quotes in dynamic SQL, but I have not found any resources on using the char data type in dynamic SQL.


+ ''''+ @accountType +''''

