将结构类型创建为 T-SQL 的列值?

2021-09-10 00:00:00 tsql sql-server

我正在为我的游戏制作一个数据库,我需要存储很多 c 风格的结构体.

I'm making a database for my game and I need to store a lot of c style structs.

struct stats{
    int strength, stamina, agility, intelligence, etc..;

我一直在研究如何在 t-sql 中创建用户定义的数据类型,MSDN 特别指出用户定义的数据类型不能用作列类型:

I've been looking at how to create user defined data types in t-sql and MSDN specifically says that user defined data types CANNOT be used as a column type:


有没有解决方法,或者在那里创建基于结构的系统的其他方法?我还需要一个技能结构,我有大约 120 多个技能需要存储在我的播放器表下.我想要的表看起来像这样:

Is there not a work around, or some other way to create a struct based system in there? I also need a struct for skills and i have around 120+ skills that need to be stored under my player table. My desired table would look something like this:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Player](
    player_name nvarchar (20),
    gold int,
    player_stats stats,                 // array of 4 ints
    player_skills skills,               // array of 120+ tinyints
    player_location location,           // array of 3 floats (x,y,z)
    player_customization customization, // array of 20+ tinyints
    player_equipment equipment,         // array of 8 ints


Is there a simple way of doing this or do i just need to add all those as individual column types? Thanks for the help.



CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Players](
    player_name nvarchar (20),
    gold int,
    player_stats stats,                 // array of 4 ints
    player_skills skills,               // array of 120+ tinyints
    player_location location,           // array of 3 floats (x,y,z)
    player_customization customization, // array of 20+ tinyints
    player_equipment equipment,         // array of 8 ints


This suggests that you should have several other tables and columns:

  • Player_SkillsSkills:每个玩家和每个技能一行,可能还有一个技能级别列.
  • Location:每个位置一行,包含有关该位置的信息.LocationId 将在 Players 表中.
  • Player_EquipmentEquipment:每个玩家和每个装备一行.
  • Player_Skills and Skills: One row per player and per skill, with perhaps a skill level column as well.
  • Location: One row for each location, with information about the location. LocationId would be in the Players table.
  • Player_Equipment and Equipment: One row per player and per equipment.

我不知道player_statsplayer_customization 是什么.也许它们只是适合 Players 的列;也许他们应该是他们自己的桌子.

I don't know what player_stats and player_customization are. Perhaps they are just appropriate columns for Players; perhaps they should be their own tables.


You're thinking of a relational database in terms of programming constructs such as "structures" is not appropriate.
